BeRadiant. Be Love.

We all long for a place we can call home, a sanctuary of sweet belonging in which we feel held, seen, heard, cherished, and loved for the radiantly beautiful beings that we are. This space lives within us, always, and sometimes we forget, looking outward for our sense of self-worth & happiness. We are all on this journey of life together. Let’s celebrate each other positively, and let our radiance show the true colors of our inner beauty.

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Greetings and Welcome

I am a certified coach, yoga and meditation instructor and founder of be.her. collective®. About 20 years ago when I was completing my second teacher training at Kripalu in Massachusetts, I wrote a letter to myself to receive after I had returned to my home in the Philadelphia area. The main message was, “Remember who you are and Be Her”. This has been a guiding light that has turned into my signature monthly membership program. I help women re-member to live life with more ease, radiance, grace and flow. My clients come to me during transitions in their life, loss, health issues, or just wanting more inspiration and support with their business or family life. All is welcome when we step into that sacred space together.

I am so happy you are here and I look forward to meeting you.

Live life like it Matters!


Beryl Herrin


Create Your Healthy Life

be.her. collective® is a membership to a private community of women where we will dive deeply into monthly topics and gather to explore the joys and challenges of a meaningful life. This is not a course or a curriculum, but rather a series of circles, conversations and practices.

Together we will find meaningful insights, strategies and tools to make powerful shifts in your life. Whether you are being pro-active to ensure your healthy future, or working to regroup and rebuild, this is the best gift and support you will give your future self.

Anchor into deep connection to yourself. Flush your brain to re-establish your nervous system. Build your skills, refine your responses and move into conscious action. The benefits of yoga, meditation and breathwork are countless – from improving posture, and decreasing pain.

“Although beauty may be in the eye of the beholder,
the feeling of being beautiful exists solely in the mind of the beheld.” - Martha Beck

I Love My Clients…

"Beryl Herrin is a wise counselor for the alchemical journey of the Soul. She listens with full presence, anchors into the truth and helps others to unfurl their creative genius into the world.”

- Sianna S.

"Working with Beryl, I learned how much effort I was wasting when I spend time worrying, and how my natural state is completely effortless. I now know how simple and easy and effortless life can be.”

- Jeanne V.

"Beryl has the ability to listen deeply and helped me find the insights that have made positive changes in my life. She is a great coach and her humor has a way of bringing lightness into hard places. “

- Alison B.


Let’s Connect!

I'm here to help bring your vision to life so let's get talking and create magic together. 

Please send me an email along with a brief message about how I can be of service to you. 

I will get back to you within 48 hours with a big hello and dates/times for us to schedule a call.


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